January--rung in the new year with friends from First Baptist of Lake Orion.
February--unexpectedly contacted Dr. Hubbard, administrator at Inter-City Baptist, about teaching at IC in the fall
March--was offered the job at IC, took more time to pray about the decision, and accepted the position, completely stepping out on faith that God would provide for the details
April--traveled to Florida for spring break with my family. Sunshine and vacation are always blessings. :-) Had to inform administration/teachers/students about our decision to leave Genesee. Saying goodbye was extremely difficult.
May--continued teaching at Genesee Christian and enjoying the last weeks I had with my kiddos and fellow teachers.
June--officially left Genesee Christian as a teacher. Brad was offered a job at Mercedes-Benz Bloomfield (not in music, but it paid the bills). We also adopted our cute little 7-week-old blue pit bull, Padawan. (She's now 71 pounds, but who's keeping track?)
July--house offers fell through left and right in Lincoln Park, but God provided a bungalow in Southgate for us to rent. He also brought a local pastor and his family to rent our Ortonville house. Huge double blessings. I began packing--again.
August--we moved from Ortonville to Southgate (fourth move in two years), and I began working at Inter-City Baptist School, my alma mater. The blessing of this month is that God brought us smoothly into the house and that the school year began well.
September--traveled to Oxford for school camp with the Sr. Highers. Getting to know them was so much fun. Our school finally got into full swing once we got back. God has really opened some of these kids' hearts to Him, and these students are huge encouragements to me every day.
October--This was a rough month financially, with some unexpected expenses. But God provided for us every step of the way.
November--Brad was offered a position with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in corporate fundraising. He accepted and moved back into a "musical" field. Having a husband who loves his job makes our home so much happier.
December--We celebrated our first Christmas in the new house. Being closer to my family was a blessing this year so that I could spend more time with my out-of-town family. I love them.
Like 2009, 2010 brought us closer to God in realizing He provides for us if we follow Him in faith. I've had the opportunity to step out in faith and point many of my family members to God's provision when plans fall into place. Both Brad and I love where we are, and I'm thankful for the God who has good plans for us.